Ekstra batteri
UPS Batteries
The single most critical element of UPS performance is battery quality. All it takes is one bad battery to ruin an entire string and bring your systems down during a power outage or other interruption. Battery failure is the number one cause of UPS load loss and system downtime.
Battery performance varies greatly from one manufacturer to another. Making the wrong decision on batteries can have a serious impact on UPS uptime reliability, causing potentially devastating consequences from power interruptions. That’s why Eaton offers a line of qualified premium batteries for use with Eaton UPS models.
Eaton continuously scans the globe to ensure the highest-quality batteries are available and qualified for use. As new batteries are introduced, we apply a proven qualification process, testing them with our products to verify that they meet or exceed manufacturer specifications and supply maximum runtime.
- Adhere to Eaton’s stringent battery tests and quality specifications
- Backed by a service network of trained and qualified battery customer service engineers and specialists
- Offer performance and quality at competitive prices
- Easy to install and no special harnesses are required
- High power density (watts/cell) providing more power when needed
- Efficient design maintains runtime even after multiple discharges
- Give you confidence that your batteries will perform as expected and keep your applications running
- Full three years of parts coverage
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