VISION TECHCONNECT V2 MUDRING DOUBLE GANG *UK* Frame which fits into a hole in a dry wall to replicate the function of a flush-mount backbox (pattress) which the standard double-gang UK surround can be fitte
VISION TECHCONNECT V2 MUDRING DOUBLE GANG *UK* Frame which fits into a hole in a dry wall to replicate the function of a flush-mount backbox (pattress) which the standard double-gang UK surround can be fitte
VISION TECHCONNECT V2 MUDRING DOUBLE GANG *UK* Frame which fits into a hole in a dry wall to replicate the function of a flush-mount backbox (pattress) which the standard double-gang UK surround can be fitte
Standard double-gang UK
flush-mount mud-ring for
hollow walls.
Manu code: TC2 MUDRING2G
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